
Showing posts from March, 2021

United Nations - The Fact Story

  The United Nations is a non-profit organization, which was formed on 24th October 1945 . This organization was established so that the history doesn't repeat itself, that is no more World Wars or even small Wars could take place, between countries. Hence, the name is United Nations.  After the World War II ended in 1945 , everyone realized that the World War caused so much destruction and loss. Hence, the United Nations organization was formed. From then, only a few wars were conducted, and for most of the conflicts, United Nations was able to solve the issues.  Today, there are 193 countries , which are the members of the United Nations Organization! And a few more countries refused to join the United Nations. This organization can also be called as UN. So, UN generally helps resolve conflicts and make world a more peaceful place to live.  There are several branches of thr United Nations, which focuses on issues and problems in the world. For example: WHO or the World Health O

The Mystery of MH370

  This Article tells us about an incident that took place in the year 2014 . This incident is a really interesting topic to discuss on, and if you love mysteries, you'll like this article too! So let's take off with this article! (Picture of MH370, taken years back from when it disappeared) MH370 or Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 , took off one midnight, at 12:42 AM , on 8th March 2014 , from the capital of Malaysia- Kuala Lumpur . This flight's destination was Beijing , the Capital of China. It was one of the two daily operated flights from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The flight was on time and it took off from the runway. There were 239 people on board the flight. The duration of the flight was of 5 hours, and 34 minutes. The flight took off the same time as usual, and everything was normal.  Unexpectedly, at 1:06 AM of the very same midnight, when the flight already took off, the communications and signals to the flight were lost. The transmissions disappeared, and the fli

What Are Atoms? - A Beginner's Guide

  Atoms are the Building blocks of matter for everything in this universe! Your mobile phone or computer from which you are reading this article now is made from Atoms. Your body is made of atoms, the Air is made of atoms, and the whole universe is made from atoms!  You must know what are molecules before getting to know atoms more.  Molecules are the smallest unit of a substance , but not the smallest unit of matter. The atoms are the smallest unit of Matter. And here comes the interesting part, that molecules are made of atoms ! This is because Atoms are the smallest unit of matter, and when they combine, they form Molecules. So, many atoms join together to form a molecule . For example: a Water Molecule has 1 atom of Oxygen and 2 atoms of Hydrogen, which both are gases. As you can see in the picture above, a Molecule of Water is made of a total of 3 atoms, 2 of which are of Hydrogen, and 1 is of Oxygen. The fun fact is that though the atoms of this molecule are atoms of a gas, whe