What is Light? - The Scientific Explanation!

Hey kids! Greetings to KidsCast! again. Today we will be learning Physics! Have you ever wondered what is Light actually? Like of course we know that Light is something like glowing, but what is that something? So without much ado, let's start with our article! Introduction: Light is a form of energy . Light has an ability to reach certain objects and the objects then reflect the Light, which is why we see the objects. We, humans as well as animals cannot see without light. There are various sources of light. The most important source of light energy is the Sun! Without light from the Sun, there would be no plants or animals on Earth. Anyway, now we know that what is Light actually in Science, let us learn more about it in detail! Sources of Light: Other than the Sun, other objects provide light too, such as a bulb, Lamp or LED. Some animals give light, like fireflies and some type of fish. Lightning produces light too. Objects like electric bu...