
Showing posts from September, 2023

How was the USA actually made? - The Basic History

Hey Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast!   Today, we're going to take an exciting journey through time to explore how the United States of America was made. It's a story filled with brave adventurers, important documents, and a quest for freedom. So, grab your time-travelling hats, and let's dive into the fascinating history of the USA! The Early Explorers: Our story begins with the early explorers who came to the land that is now the United States. These adventurous individuals, like C hristopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, and John Cabo t, sailed across the vast oceans to discover new lands. They were looking for a shorter route to Asia but stumbled upon the vast continent of North America instead. So it was by accident that they reached North America. But yes, they had discovered a whole new continent! These discoveries paved the way for future explorations and the eventual founding of the USA. But it didn't come so easily.  Settlers and People: One of the most famous s