The Driverless Car - The Fact Story!


This article is just as interesting as it sounds! The Driverless Car (also called Self-Driving Car), which you all might be really be waiting for years, have just made a greater evolution! But before getting to know about this evolution, let us first discuss all about this Driverless Car Technology! Just for information, the Driverless Car isn't just one car. It describes the technology used for all the Self-Driving Cars made till today! So let us start! 

As the name suggests, a self-driving car is a car which doesn't actually need a driver to drive the car. It means, that with the help of scanning, and detecting other cars and vehicles, the driverless car can drive on itself! You would think, that how is it actually possible? But we gotta tell you, that the technology is rising, and so is the common world! In fact, the future of this world after a few years, actually is all about Self-driving cars, and other futuristic stuff. Anyway, let us learn more about these Self-Driving Cars. 

Kids, did you know, big companies like Google, Apple, Tesla and Mercedes-Benz are developing their first Driverless cars? That actually means that Self-Driving Cars are not of the future, and they are not too far from today's date! And we should always be thrilled and excited for the launch of these Self-Driving Cars! But now you might ask us: "Can't you tell us how these Self-Driving Cars actually work?" All righty, no problem. So now let us discuss How these Self-Driving Cars actually work.

As we also told earlier, that a Self-Driving Car scans, searches and detects other cars and vehicles and then turns and runs accordingly. Using GPS, it locates itself and takes the person sitting in it to their destination. Plus, it uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), the theory where the Computer has its own intelligence, just like humans have their own intelligence. Thus, the Driverless Car uses Artificial Intelligence too, to locate and detect other cars and vehicles, and moves and runs accordingly.

So children this was all about the Driverless Cars you must know. We will be having more articles like this on our Blog! But hey, this isn't the end of fun! We have a fresh new quiz waiting for you on this topic!

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