How to make Cracker Pizza Bites? - Become a Young Chef!


Well hello kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! Today, here's another activity article, with less facts, and more fun! Today in this article, we are going to learn The one and only: Cracker Pizza Bites! And guess what, it can be made without fire! So without wasting any minute, let us begin! 

  • Cracker Pizza Bites:

As delicious as it looks, it is as easy to make! These Cracker Pizza Bites are so tasty, simple and attractive, that once you ate one, you'll definitely ask for more! Interested in making this easy yet tasty treat? Well we'll help you making it! First, let us know the Ingredients required for making these Cracker Pizza Bites!

  • Salted Biscuits (Like Monaco Biscuits)
  • Cheese Slices (Number of Slices depends on how much Crackers you make)
  • [Optional] Some Vegetables (Like: Capsicum, Tomatoes)
  • [Optional] Oregano or Chilli Flakes (For Seasoning of Spices)

1. Preparation: At first, you would need to take out the salted Biscuits out of their packets, in a plate. Place them properly in the plate, in rows. Then take out the Cheese Slices, and unwrap the plastic out of them, and keep them in the corner of the plate. For the vegetables, you might not sometimes like vegetables, but these Cracker Pizza Bites taste better with veggies! So if you want to add vegetables, tell your parents or an adult to chop those vegetables and give it to you. Because it is Dangerous for kids to do it! 

2. Begin Making: Now, it is time for you to start making them. So take a cheese slice in hand, break it into pieces, our suggestion is to break the cheese slice into 9 pieces for 9 Biscuits. So if you are making more than 9, then you would need more cheese slices. Anyway, if you are just making 3-6 crackers, you can break the cheese slice into the same number of pieces of the number of crackers you are making, and then save the cheese slice left, back into the freezer of your refrigerator. Now before placing cheese slice pieces on the biscuit, first sprinkle some vegetables like Capsicum and Tomatoes on the biscuits. Ignore this step if you are not using vegetables. Now place the cheese slice pieces on the biscuits, and you are ready to cook them now!

3. Microwave: Because we are not using fire to make any dishes mentioned in this article, we'll use microwave! Yes, so now simply put the plate in which there are biscuits with cheese and veggies on it, and put it in the Microwave. Our Preference is to Microwave it for 20-30 seconds. So wait till then, and then take out the plate. 

4. Last-Touch: After you take out the plate, you might notice that the cheese on the biscuits have blown a bit and has melted. Now, to complete the Last-Touches, if you want, you might sprinkle some oregano, chilli flakes or pepper on what you have prepared! And after you do it, the tasty Cracker Pizza Bites are ready! Enjoy them with your family and friends! 

So kids, this was a recipe for Cracker Pizza Bites, you can try this, and follow the instructions, and make them. Because personally they are really tasty! Anyway, we'll keep posting new recipes of tasty and great Food Items which can be made without fire or stove, because fire is dangerous! So stay tuned for more recipes and articles. Till then, Stay Happy, Stay Healthy, and Happy Cooking!

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