Space Farming - Growing plants in Space!


Hello Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! Long time no see but don't worry we are back again with some amazing posts. Our today's topic is Space Farming. So first our question to all of you is that do you all know what is farming? Don't worry if you don't know, we will tell you. So farming is a practice followed from ages which is used for growing crops that are plants which can feed us or make money to us by selling them. So, after receiving the introduction are you guys ready for the enjoyment of this article! Yes right. So, let's start.

So What is Space Farming?

So a genuine question everyone of you would be thinking is actually what is it? Don't worry we are telling you now! So as the name suggests space farming is just like doing farming in space as farmers do farming in farms, there are some special space ships created for the survival of plants which provide the healthy and necessary conditions for any plant to grow. This helps in farming, on earth also you all would be knowing that not all plants grow in same conditions like that itself when a sapce ship is created for space farming there are many rooms which provide different conditions for different plants so that many plants can grow in there suitable conditions which they require and can grow in one spaceship itself! So, just reminding you all that space farming doesn't mean that an astronaut is standing in a farm doing farming.

Why is Space Farming done?
Now again an important question might be arising within you might be that why is it done? So, answer to this question is that it is not useful to us directly but to all the astronauts and space visitors space farming is very important sometimes astronauts have to stay in space for many days and it would be difficult for them to stay without food for so long so that's the reason why it is done and is very important. Can you all imagine not eating food for 9-10 days continuously! No, right so like that even astronauts even with spacesuit can't stay without food for long. Earlier when this technique was not introduced, astronauts sometimes had to fast for 9-10 days or they were given huge supplies of food so that if some food is spoiled some food is still left.

Natural and Technical Challenges
There are many challenges faced to the plants and yes that's obvious because the features and minerals that our mother earth provide are not available in space. Greenhouse gases concept solves many problems like capturing heat for photosynthesis. So, if you all don't know what greenhouse gases concept is, don't worry! we will tell you. So, in greenhouse gases concept there is a large glass house created in which a plant is kept inside like a prison. The specialty of the glass house is that it allows heat to come inside but does not allow it to go out. Because space sometimes is cold these plants may die so this concept can be helpful. Sunlight helps in photosynthesis which later helps in food formation. But the challenge for this glass house is that the formation and creation of it in the space is not easy, not at all!

Using Artificials for Growth!
Have you all ever imagined the earth without gravity! Yes, if you understand our signal then alright our signal is that gravity plays a very significant role for the growth of plants. But as you all know that in space there is no gravity. In this case, plants use environmental factors like for orient and growth and some LED's (Light Emitting Diode) for suitable growth.

Growing plants on planets
A big question in this world which the worlds' different space programmes are trying to solve is that can plants grow on mars! According to N.A.S.A (National Aeronautics Space Administration) the space program of USA said that most of the mars is covered with Martian soil which provides some of the nutrients required by plants but because mars is much far than sun compared to earth it has cold conditions. Because of these cold conditions, plants like Watney's potatoes can grow in little controlled environment.

So, kids this was all for this article, did you enjoy it! We hope so. So, this is an amazing creation by humans right! So, now we are over with this article, so Stay Happy and Stay Healthy and Happy Learning! 

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