What is the Rock Cycle? - The Complete Concept!


Hey kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! Have you ever wondered how the rocks had formed at the first place? Have you ever wondered what happened to the molten lava from after volcanic eruption? Well this article will solve your all such questions. Today we are going to talk about the Rock Cycle. So let us begin!

What is Rock Cycle?
Rock Cycle is the repeating process where one kind or type of rock changes to other kind or type of rock. So for example, a rock which is formed from the molten lava which was once underground as Magma, can change into a kind of rock like Limestone, Sandstone, etc. or even a kind of rock like Marble or Quartzite. You might think it's difficult, but after you get to know more about it, you'll figure out that it's super easy!

The Cycle: 

So, as you can see the above diagram, you might get an idea that what is actually Rock Cycle, and you might also have understood not fully but a bit, that how it works. So let us now Discuss that how it actually works and more things about the Rock Cycle!

So, there are 3 Different types of Rocks: Igneous Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks, and Metamorphic Rocks. Let us Discuss in brief, each of them, because they are the most important things of this Rock Cycle:

1. Igneous Rocks are the rocks which are formed on the cooling and solidification of Magma or Lava. In other words, when Magma or Lava, which is kind of molten rock, cools or becomes solid (due to cooling) , then Igneous Rocks are formed. Examples of Igneous Rocks are: Andesite, Obsidian, Basalt, Dacite, and Pumice.

2. Sedimentary Rocks are the rocks which are formed on the cementation, accumulation or compaction of sediments, which are naturally occurring material that is broken down by weathering and erosion, especially of rocks. Examples of Sedimentary Rocks are: Sandstone, Shale, Limestone, Siltstone, and Conglomerate.

3. Metamorphic Rocks are the rocks which are formed due to Metamorphism, which means when rocks face high heat and high pressure. It is formed when Igneous Rocks or Sedimentary Rocks encounter high heat and pressure. Examples of Metamorphic Rocks are: Phyllite, Marble, Gneiss, Quartzite and Schist

So children, you have learnt that what are the types of rocks in the Rock Cycle, and how they are formed. Now, let us link all of these rocks and processes as done in the Diagram and discuss it. 

How it Works?
Refer to the Above Diagram again. We see, that the components of this diagram are: Magma, Igneous Rocks, Sediments, Sedimentary Rocks and Metamorphic Rocks. If you are not aware, Magma is a kind of very hot molten fluid which is present in or below the Earth's Crust. When this Magma erupts on the Surface of the Earth, it is called Lava. Magma (or Lava) plays a very important role in the Rock Cycle, as it is the basic start of the Rock formation. 

When this molten Magma or Lava solidifies due to cooling, it actually becomes solid and forms Igneous Rock. Then, if the Igneous Rock faces weathering and erosion, and break into very tiny pieces and particles, then it becomes Sediments. Or, if the Igneous Rock faces high heat and pressure, then it forms Metamorphic Rock. The Sediments, which are formed through weathering and erosion of rocks, are tiny particles which when face compaction, cementation or accumulation, forms Sedimentary Rock. These rocks when face high heat and pressure, they form Metamorphic Rock too, or if Sedimentary Rock faces weathering and erosion, if forms Sediments. Then, moving on, Metamorphic Rock when faces very high heat and melts, it again forms Magma or Lava. Or, if Metamorphic Rock faces weathering and Erosion, it also forms Sediments.

So it is kind of a bit hard to understand and remember all of this, that's why we gave you the Diagram. So if you want to download the above diagram we gave you, to print or for easy access, then you can click the below, and download the PDF.

Anyway, kids today was a big yet interesting topic, and we have learnt about Rock Cycle! So this was all for this article, so see you later, and Happy Learning!

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