Respiration In Plants - Plants breathe too!

Hello Everyone! Welcome to another article! Today Let's learn about Respiration In Plants!

During the day plants take in Carbon Dioxide for photosynthesis and release energy and oxygen. However, at night they inhale oxygen and breathe out Carbon Dioxide. Ever wondered how they do that? Let's learn about it today!


Stomatas are special structure present on the underside of the leaves of the plant that help in exchange of gases. Its Opening and Closing is brought about special cells known as Guard Cells. The opening and closing happens due to variation is light and moisture.


Did you know that roots also breathe. They absorb the oxygen from airspaces prsent between the soil particles. Hence we say not to overwater the plants as water may displace the air spaces and effect the growth of the plants.


Trees having hard and woody stems the respiration also occurs through the stem. There are pores on the bark called lenticels which are basically loosely packed dead cells through which the tree breathes.

So these were the three methods through which plants respire. Hope you learned something new and we'll will meet you in the next article. Happy Learning!

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