Sense Organs - KidsCast Junior!


Hello kids! Welcome back to KidsCast Junior! Today we will talking about our 5 sense organs or 5 senses. But first we will see what do we mean by senses?

What are Sense Organs?
Sense Organs mean that the organs that helps us in connecting towards the outer world. Now, we will be telling you what are the Sense Organs of our Body. So, we have 5 sense organs which are:
1. Nose
2. Eyes
3. Skin
4. Ears
5. Tongue
And now we will be telling you this in more detail.

1) Nose

We are sure that sometimes when your mother cooks food, It smells nice and sometimes when garbage is kept nearby you close your nose because it smells bad. But do you all know that this nose is a sense organ which helps us in smelling the things around us. So, it is also called Sense of smell. It also helps us in breathing. 
To keep your nose clean, you should follow the good habits:
1. Do not put your finger inside your nose.
2. To clean your nose, use a soft cotton with some mild water. 

2) Eyes

Eyes are the most delicate (very soft and can be damaged easily) sense organs among all. And do you all know its use? Have you watched a film on TV and you reading this article right now. So, this is the use of eyes. Eyes help us in seeing all the things around us. So, it is called Sense of seeing. 

Caring of eyes is very important so follow these habits to keep your eyes healthy:
1. Do not rub your eyes, always wash them with clean water gently.
2. Do not watch screen for a very long time because it damages you eyes.
3. Touch your eyes very gently. Do not touch them roughly.

3) Skin

You might have touched a teddy bear or you might have played with your toys. This is all because of skin as it helps us in touching all the things around us. So, it is called Sense of touching. Skin is present on our whole body so we can touch anything. 
Taking care of your skin is very important so follow these good habits to keep your skin healthy:
1. Avoid drawing anything on your skin with pen, marker etc.
2. Bath daily to keep your skin clean.
3. Stay away from sharp objects like knife, blade etc. as it can create a cut if got into skin.

4) Ears

You all might have heard music or your friends calling you. You can hear it because of your ears. So, ears are called Sense of hearing. Ears are also very delicate. Keeping care of ears are very important so follow these habits to keep your ears healthy:
1. Stay away from sharp objects as sometimes if gone into ear then can cause deafness. 
2. Do not listen to music for a long time at a very high volume.
3. Try avoiding wearing headphones when not required.
4. Do not put your finger inside the ear, Ask your adults to clean it with an ear bud.
5. Prevent water entering your ears.

5) Tongue

You all would have eaten tasty food. It is your Tongue which helps you in tasting food. Whatever you put in your mouth, your Tounge helps you in tasting it. Mainly, Togue can taste four types tastes - Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Salty. So, it is called Sense of tasting. You can speak also because of your Tongue. 
To keep your Tongue healthy, follow these good habits:
1. Rinse your mouth daily.
2. Do not put anything in your mouth as it can harm your Tongue and your stomach.
3. Do not eat too much.

So, kids these were the sense organs that are in every human being which help all of us in connecting to the outer world. So, this was all for this article. We hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry we will be back with more amazing articles but till then Stay Safe! Stay Healthy! Happy Learning! 

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