The Largest Planet in our Solar System - Jupiter
About Jupiter:
Jupiter is named after the Roman God Jupiter, the King of the Gods, because of its observed size. It is the largest planet in the Solar System and is the fifth from the Sun. Jupiter is a gas giant and has a mass more than 2 and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System Combined.
Jupiter's volume is that of about that of 1,321 Earths. Can you imagine how big it is? It also has the most number of moons than any planet in the Solar System. Can you guess how many moons it has? Jupiter has 69 moons! Jupiter is most likely the oldest planet in the Solar System. It also radiates more heat than it receives from the Sun. Jupiter has a diameter of 142,984 km (88,846 mi).
As a Gas Giant, Jupiter doesn't have a true surface. While a Spacecraft has nowhere to land, it wouldn't be able to fly through it too!