The Mystery of USS Cyclops

Welcome back to another article! I am sure we had talked about the incidents of the Bermuda Triangle earlier, but lets talk about one of them in detail today! Are you excited? So let us begin!


For those of you who don't know what the Bermuda Triangle, let me tell you. The Bermuda Triangle is a loosely defined area in the western part of the North Atlantic ocean where a number of ships and planes have gone missing under mysterious circumstances. It also vaguely looks like a triangle with its vertices being Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

USS Cyclops' Disappearance

USS CYCLOPS was the second of four Proteus-class colliers or ships we can say, built for the United States Navy several years before World War. The loss of the ship and 306 crew memebers without a trace, remains to be America's greatest loss of life in their Naval history without any combat. It was thought to be sunken by a German Raider but the German Government denied any knowledge of the vessel. The ship was also carrying 11000 tons of manganese pre which is used for ammunitions.


In March 1918, the massive ship set out to sail from Brazil to Baltimore through the Bermuda Region carrying 11000 tons of manganese ore without any trouble. However after entering the Bermuda region, it was unheard of again!! There were also no distress signals from the driver too! The investigators couldnt find a definite cause for its disappearence too.


It was thought to be overloaded as its total capacity was 8100 tons but it was carrrying around 11000tons of manganese ore. Also there had been a report regarding that the starboard engine had a cracked cylinder and was not operating. Hence the ship had to make n unscheduled stop at Barbados. Investigations prove that it was all secure in Rio and it started for Baltimore on March 4th, and was rumored to be seen by the molasses tanker amolco on March 9th near Virginia, but the claim was denied. 


The thing is Virginia is 1 day ti Baltimore, the ships's destination. The ship was due at Baltimore on March 13. So the Ship could not be at Virginia or near at on 9th of March, THE SHIP WAS 3 DAYS AHEAD ON SCHEDULE!! Is it time travel?!! What do you think?

We hope you liked this mystery, we ourselves enjoyed. Meet you in the next article! Happy Learning!

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