What is Sound? - A Simple Yet Scientific Concept and Explanation!


Hello Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! We all hear something every time every where but do you all know exactly what do we hear, we hear Sound. Yes, this is what our today's topic too, Sound. Today we are going to learn about Sound so kids, get geared up and lets start with the topic.

So, What is Sound?
So kids, now you all would be wondering that what is sound? The answer is that it is a kind of energy which is created by vibrations. When there is a movement in an object, the air particles present all around us start moving creating vibrations and further creating sound which we hear through our ears, but, do you all know that this movement is so fast that we don't even get to know about the process.

Speed of Sound
But why don't we get to know about the process?
This is because sound travels really fast. The movement is so fast that it does not let us get to know what exactly happened. Sound travels differently in solids, liquids and gases. According to scientific terms, sound travels at a speed of 6000 M/Sec in solids, about 1493 M/Sec In liquids like water and about 343 M/Sec in gases like air which is present around us.  

Sound needs a Medium:
Kids, though sound travels very fast, it can't travel everywhere because sound needs a medium to travel. The medium is air. Yes, maybe you all understood that sound can travel only at a place where there is air. One such place is our Earth. We all live on earth and that's why we can hear sound on earth. But do you all know that if we go in space where there is no air, we can't hear anything, that's why is astronauts want to talk to each other they do so in their spacecraft. If they are floating in space then they have a special device inserted in their helmets which allows them to talk to each other but they can't talk directly if they are floating in the space. But, this has its own good things like, almost every minute there is an explosion on the sun or meteors fall on moon, if sound could travel in space, we could hear all of that and then it would be so disturbing distracting. 

Applications of Sound:
Now we are going to tell you some common things that have sound and which are useful.
1. Musical Instruments:
We all know about musical instruments. They are pleasant in hearing and they produce sound which we like to hear because then they make a music. Some common instruments are like Guitar, Tabla, Drums, Sitar etc. 
Guitar, Tabla, Sitar, Drums

2. Speaking:
Kids, we all speak and hear others. When we speak, then also there is a sound which we hear through our ears. Like our friends talk to us or our parents talk to us etc.

3. Door bell:
Kids, we all have door bells in our houses. Whenever anyone comes they ring it. There also the concept of sound is being used as when they ring the bell the sound comes band then we open the door. 

Kids, there can be many other things where sound is useful to us but for this article we have discussed only these. 

Noise Pollution:
Kids, if sound as advantages then it also has some disadvantages if sound becomes too much. One such disadvantage is noise pollution. When the sound becomes too much and at a very high volume then noise pollution is caused. These sounds are unwanted and are not that necessary. These sometimes also harm the environment. 
This pollution is not considered to be of great importance to look after because it does not harm our eyes, nose or tongue but it does harm our ears. 
Some major noise pollution creators are construction work, train horns, traffic, crackers etc. 
We should consider this pollution also of great importance and we should try to remove it because it also harms us and our environment and it is our duty to remove it. 

So kids, we have come to an end of this article. We hope that you enjoyed it and remember that it is our duty to save our environment and use sound wisely and not for others disturbance. We should also not use too much of headphones because they also ultimately harm our ears. So kids, for a time being good bye but we will be back with nice articles soon and as you see, already there are several new posts uploaded. So kids, read them, increase your knowledge and good bye for sometime. Happy Learning!

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