How were Oceans formed?

Hello Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast for another time. It's time for learning another great and curiosity filled topic and you read it right from the title 'How were oceans formed'. Keep reading and have fun! Early Earth Kids, before learning how were oceans formed on earth, we must learn about the formation of the earth. Earth in its early stages was a ball of lava and gases. There were many volcanoes around. When many volcanic eruptions took place, there was a gas called water vapour. This gas became abundant in the young atmosphere of the earth. Change in climate Suddenly, there was a change in the climate. The earth then cooled below 212 degrees of Fahrenheit. Now, it was 3.8 billion years ago, when the water vapour condensed due to the cool nature outside, it then rained. Rains for the First Time It then rained for the first time on earth. It rained for years and years and continues till now. Billions of years ago, when it rained continuously for years, it ...