The Sun - Detailed Explanation!


Hey Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! A very warm welcome to this warm article! Yep, it is true. Today we are going to learn about a huge star! And that star is our own Sun! Yes, we are going to learn about The Sun in detail, how big it is, how hot it is, and how powerful it is! So what are we waiting for? Let's begin! 


The Sun is the largest celestial body in our solar system. It is classified as a star. In simple words, it is a very huge ball of fire. It is located at the center of the solar system. It is almost of a perfectly spherical shape, a celestial body made of plasma we can say. It is too hot for anything or anyone to go in or on it. Its surface temperature is nearly about 5,505°C (9941°F). The Sun mostly is made up of Hydrogen and Helium gases. It is heated up to a large extent due to nuclear fusion reactions taking place inside it. The sun radiates the energy mainly as visible light, heat, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation. It is very important for the solar system, especially as a source of energy for life on Earth. 

Its Location: 

The Sun is located at the exact centre of our Solar System. That is the reason all the planets are able to revolve around it properly and inside the solar system. As it is at the centre of the Solar System, the inner planets are close to it, while after the Asteroid Belt, lie the Outer Planets. 

The Size of the Sun: 

The above picture shows the comparison of all our planets in the Solar System, with the Sun. As you can see, even the largest planet (Jupiter) is so small in front of the Sun. In terms of statistics, the Equatorial Diameter of the Sun is 1.39 Million Kilometres (865,370 miles). It is said that the Sun is 109 times larger than the Earth. Imagine, in the sky the sun you see is so small, while in reality, it is so big that we cannot even imagine! Now that we know about its location and size, let's see what makes the Sun so hot, whether can we ever land on the Sun, and a few more facts regarding it. 

What makes the Sun so Hot? 

So now this main question must be in your mind... "Why is the Sun so hot?" Well, the simple answer is, because of its core. The Sun's core consists of hydrogen and helium gases, which leads to a nuclear fusion or reaction between the gases. This reaction gives out heat and light, and because there are a very large number of such reactions, hence, this leads to the Sun is so hot, as well as giving out light. Thus this nuclear fusion of gases leads to the giving out of heat and light (photons). 

Can we land on the Sun? 

Well, unfortunately, for now, we don't have any technology or scientific proof to land on the Sun's surface. And not even that, even if in the future we find a way to land on the Sun, there is nothing to land on. The Sun, as mentioned, is a star. It does not have a solid surface to land on, like Earth, Mars, or any other Rocky Planet. Thus, even if we are able to protect ourselves and try to land on the sun's surface, which is nothing but plasma and gases, we will not be able to stand on the Sun, but rather sink into the sun, which is not a very good thing. Anyways, there is a twist. 

Even though we cannot 'stand' on the Sun, we can however get a bit close to it, for research. Many Space Exploration companies have sent many satellites and orbiters near the Sun, to orbit it and study it. For example, recently NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) announced that for the first time ever, a man-made spacecraft has entered the Sun's outermost atmosphere, which is known as Corona, and this spacecraft is- The Parker Solar Solar Probe. This probe has literally made a record of not landing, but at least touching the sun's atmosphere! 

What do you think? In the future, will we be able to reach closer to the Sun, with advanced technology and space equipment? 

See you soon in next article! Till then, Happy Learning! 

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