The Big Bang - The Start of our Universe!

Hello Everyone! We're back! Welcome to KidsCast! Today we have something Very Interesting. We're going to be discussing one of the most significant theories in history! Yup, That's right! The Big Bang.

What is the Big Bang?

Now the question is, what is exactly the Big Bang? In short, the Big Bang is believed to be the event after which our universe was created. But to know in detail, let us zoom back in history! In 1927, Georges Lemaitre, Stated that the Universe began as a Single point and expanded and stretched to grow to what we see Now and that it would keep expanding!

After 2 Years, Edwin Hubble noticed that the other Galaxies were moving Away from Us. Also, an interesting fact was that the Farthest Galaxies were moving Faster than the Nearer Ones. This meant that the Universe was expanding like Georges thought. Also, it also told that long ago, everything was close to each other.

The Beginning: 

When the universe began, it was just hot, tiny substances mixed with light and energy. As everything expanded and took up more space, it cooled down.

The tiny particles grouped together. They formed Atoms. Then Atoms grouped Together. After a lot of time, atoms grouped together and created Stars and Galaxies.

The First stars that were created were larger atoms/groups of atoms. This led to more Stars in Creation. At the time, Galaxies crashed and started grouping together. As new stars were born and dying, things like Asteroids, Comets, Planets, and Black Holes formed!

The Time Period: 

We know that the Universe is 13,800,000,000 years old (13.8 billion). That's a Time Period which We can't Imagine right? The Big Bang thus occurred these many years ago. Just imagine how old it is! 

Well, that was all for this article about the Big Bang, which was the creation of all! From galaxies till life, from stars till planets, everything in this universe! So this is the end of this article. See you soon! Till then, Happy Learning! 


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