The Koh-i-Noor - Discovery, Untold Secrets and Story!

Hello Kids! We, KidsCast! are here with another article related to the largest and the best diamond the world has ever had and is thus, amazing. But with beauty comes its weaknesses. In this article, you will explore The Kohinoor Diamond. Are you all geared up? Let's begin.


So, kids, we begin directly with the history of the diamond. The stone was first mined in the Kollur Mine in India, during the period of the Kakatiya dynasty, who, impressed by the diamond, placed it in the Bhadrakali Temple in WarangalIt was later acquired by the Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji when he invaded southern India. A record of the diamond comes from the 1740s when Muhammad Maharvi observes the Koh-I-Noor as being one of many stones on the Mughal Peacock Throne that Nadir Shah looted from Delhi. The diamond then changed hands between various factions in south and west Asia, until going to Queen Victoria after the British annexation of, Punjab in 1849, during the reign of eleven-year-old emperor Maharaja Dileep Singh had previously possessed the stone. According to the fact, it got its name when Nadir Shah exclaimed about the diamond and said 'Koh-I-Noor', which means mountain of light.

Weight and Dimensions

As Koh-I-Noor is a beautiful diamond, it has some basic details too. It has a weight and specific dimensions which we now tell you. 

Weight - 21.1204 g (105.602 carats)

Dimensions - 3.6 cm long, 3.2 cm wide & 1.3 cm deep.

These beautiful dimensions are given by cutting the diamond. This diamond was cut by Levie Benjamin Voorzanger. 

A Curse?

According to the beliefs of people, this diamond is a cursed one. Although it's a magnificent diamond, it has a curse upon it. According to people, this diamond has a curse that whoever possesses this diamond has a very short age. Its records can be seen accordingly in history. Many kings, who won this diamond died in a short period or fought immense wars. This also frightened the members of the royal family in the UK, when they decided that this diamond will be used only by women. But even Queen Victoria when had put this diamond in her crown, she had died shortly after. Although, Queen Elizabeth proved this wrong by living a long life. So, this is just a myth. It may or may not be a truth.

The Dispute:

With the beauty, it becomes a disputed diamond. This diamond is actually claimed by five countries => India, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, Iran & Afghanistan.

India - India says that diamond belongs to it as it has originated from it.

The UK - the UK claims the diamond and says that it was legally taken over from Maharaja Ranjeet Singh under the Last Treaty of Lahore.

Pakistan - Pakistan says that the diamond belongs to them as many kings who were actually ruling the land of current Pakistan possessed the diamond.

Afghanistan - In the same case as Pakistan, Afghanistan to says that its rulers possessed the diamond.

Iran - Iranian and Afghan Nadir Shah, who plundered the city of Delhi is the base of Iran's claim over the diamond.

Although so many countries claim it, it is actually under the control of the British government in the Tower of London. The British government has rejected all these claims and has refused to return the diamond.  

So, Kids, we have come to the end of this short yet informative article about the magnificent diamond Koh-I-Noor. Hope you enjoyed learning. We have to say bye to you now but we will soon be back with more amazing pieces. Till then, Happy Learning!

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