Weather v/s Climate - What are they?


Hey kids! Sup? Welcome again, to KidsCast! for, we're here with a really interesting topic for you! Well, thinking from your point of view, have you ever thought that what is the main difference between Weather and Climate, and really, what they really are? Well, if you are confused, then this is the right place for you to understand! So let's begin! 

To understand Weather and Climate in detail, let us discuss them separately. 


So now, what is the weather basically? Do you sometimes feel that it is a hot, cold, hazy, cloudy or warm day? And you're like, oof, why is it so hot or cold. This is the weather. So, in a nutshell, the weather of a place is the time-to-time condition or state of the atmosphere, at that particular place. In other words, the weather is the atmospheric condition or situation of a place, at some time

For example, if it is cloudy at a place. So the weather of that place, at that time, is cloudy. Similarly, if it is sunny, then the weather of that place is sunny, and so on. Also, the weather of a place can change immediately. It can change in days, hours and even minutes! There can be situations where at a place it is super hot and a sunny day, but suddenly heavy rain starts. It happens because then the weather in the place changes. In the simplest language, the Weather of a place is the condition of the atmosphere of that place, with respect to heat, cold, wetness, dryness, calmness or storm at that place.
So kids, so far we have discussed what is the weather. Let's discuss what is Climate now. 


So, now at least we know what is weather. Now what if we say, that weather of a place, for a very very long period of time is the climate of that place? Well, that is exactly what is Climate! Climate is the condition of the weather and atmosphere of a place, for a very very long time, like 30 years. For example, the climate of a desert is arid, with little or no rain, the climate of snow-covered mountains is snowy, cold and frigid, the climate of places located near the sea is normal and average, breezy and the climate of places away from the sea is extreme, either too hot or too cold. So, in other words, the Climate of a place is the total sum of all the weather conditions or their average condition, to understand the exact atmospheric situation of a place. 

There are so many places on earth, that almost every place has a different climate. Countries in northern Africa have an arid climate because they're located in deserts, whereas countries in the earth's extreme north or south are really cold because they are away from the equator, where there is the most heat. The Equator is an imaginary line that cuts the earth into two equal halves, namely, the northern and southern hemispheres. Hence, there are a lot more places with different climates. 

The Difference? 
Now you must've understood, that the main difference between Weather and Climate is that:
1. The Weather is the time-to-time atmospheric condition or the state of being hot, cold, moist, humid, dry or wet in a place. Like whether it is a hot, cold, rainy, dry, humid or extreme condition in a place. Whereas...
2. The Climate is the weather condition of a place for a very very long time, like 30 years. So Climate is the total sum of all the weather conditions while the weather is simply just the time-to-time atmospheric situation of a place.  In fact, weather can vary a lot from day to day or even hour to hour, while climate is more consistent and predictable for longer periods of time.

So, kids, we hope you can now differentiate between what are Weather and Climate now! And we also hope that you liked this article. We'll keep writing more and more interesting, simple and easy-to-understand articles in the future as well! 

So see you soon, till then... 


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