What are Resources? - The Simple Explanation!


Hey kids! Welcome back to the stunning KidsCast! So kids, do you know what resources are? Well, it has so many meanings, depending on where the word 'resources' is used, and in which sense. In this article, we will be learning about the importance of resources in terms of geography. So, let's begin! 

What are Resources? 

Resources are any objects, utilities or features which satisfy the human needs for sustainability or living. In other words, anything that we humans value and need for living is called a resource. Resources can literally be anything we need. A few examples of resources are Water, Air, Land, Food, Shelter, Communication, Energy, Buildings, Bridges, Vehicles, computers, Mobile Phones, Mountains and Trees. In the simplest form, you can define resources as something humans need, and something they make and use.

Why are Resources Important? 

Resources are very important to humans! In fact, life is impossible without resources! Why? What is the reason that resources are so important? Well, as we learned before that: Resources are anything that satisfies our needs for basic living, with this we can also say: Resources are important for us as they help us to satisfy our needs for sustainability and living. This is because, without many resources, humans might suffer or not even live. 

We can understand this in another way as well. Can we live without water? Can we live without houses? Can we live without land? Can we live without air which gives us oxygen to breathe? Can we communicate easily with each other without Internet? Can we travel easily with cars without bridges, roads or highways? See? The answer to all these questions is a NO. Thus, resources, help us to fulfil our requirements, hence they are important for us because, without them, life is hard! 

Types of Resources: 
There are many classifications of resources on basis of various characteristics. Here let us understand one of the classifications of these types: 

On basis of how it is present/provided:

1. Natural Resources:

Natural Resources are the resources which are derived from nature. In other words, things that are a basic need or are used by humans is called Natural Resource. Nature provides us with the most major resources which are essential for life to exist. Without natural resources, life is certainly impossible. A few examples of natural resources are Water, Light, Land, Air, Trees, Plants and Crops. 

2. Man-Made Resources: 

Man-made resources are the resources which are made by humans, using raw materials from natural resources like wood, plants, etc. Man-made resources are everything made by humans which we use in our daily lives. Examples of man-made resources: Roads, Buildings, Houses, Towers, Flyovers, Bridges, Vehicles, Cars, Trucks, Airplanes, Plastic, Soda, Sheet Metal, Iron and Steel, Jewellery and Rubber. 

Another Classification of Types of Resources: 
Resources in geography can also be classified into two types, but this time, based on a different characteristic. 

On the basis of time of depletion: 

1. Non-Renewable Resources: 

Non-Renewable resources are the resources which get over or deplete over time. In fact, they get exhausted after their use. In a way, we can call them one-time-use only resources, because, after their particular use, they cannot be used again. Examples of non-renewable resources are Fossil Fuels (Like Petroleum), Nuclear Energy, Coal, and Natural Gas. 

2. Renewable Resources: 
Renewable Resources are resources which can be used even after it is used once and do not deplete over time. Thus, it can be used again and again. These kinds of resources never get exhausted or never get over. Thus, they are better alternative types of resources which gives us energy. Examples of renewable resources are Biomass energy, Hydropower (power generated by the rapid flowing of water through dams), Wind energy, Solar energy, or geothermal power. 

What makes a Resource a 'Resource'?
Now, this might be one of the most important questions you would have in your mind, what actually makes a resource a 'resource', right? You might think the answer for this simply would be that things which satisfy our needs or requirements are called resources, so anything which can fulfil or satisfy our needs, is a resource. However, there is one exception to this. Not everything which satisfies or will satisfy our needs is a resource. Why? Let's hear out the answer. 

For example, let's take an example of a mobile phone. Of course, everyone knows how to use it these days, but if for example, no one knew how to use a mobile phone. Will it be considered a resource? Not necessarily. In fact, no, it would not be considered a resource. Because it is the knowledge of humans regarding something which makes the particular thing a resource. Plus if we don't know how to use something, then there is no utility for us.

However, in this case, if many people didn't know how to use a mobile phone and others did, then the mobile phone will be a resource for those who know how to use it. Thus, technology, ideas, inventions, discoveries and most importantly knowledge, make something a resource! 

So, the article is almost over... But for the sake of fun, here's a little challenge for you, kids! Here is a quiz on this same topic. Play it to see how much you learned! 

So this was a basic introduction to resources! Kids, we hoped you liked it! See you soon, till then, Happy Learning! 

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