Why do we go to School? - The Simple Answer!


Hey kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! So kids, tell us if you ever asked yourself or anyone, "Why do we go to school?". Have you? You know this is a general question. Why do we have to go to school on large school buses, why do we have to spend hours studying so much, and why do teachers and parents keep yelling at us if we don't study? So kids, today we are here with this answer! Let's know, why we do have to go to School! So let us begin!

To understand this simple, first let's discuss, who are kids? 

Who are Kids? 

So, who are you? Who are kids? Are they just young people who have to listen to their parents, teachers and elders? Or are they just the young people who play with toys, and balloons, and go to school? School. Ugh. To kids, this word hurts. They are irritated, and always keep thinking, why do we go to school. Right? So kids, let's really find out who are you! 

Kids are the Future of this World! Yes! Kids, you are the future of this world. When you grow up, you will become something like Doctor, Policeman or Policewoman, Engineer, Scientist or something else! But, for sure, YOU ARE THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD. You will decide how the world will be in the future! You will decide if you want flying cars or drone deliveries! Or do you want robots or Awesome video games! 

Indeed, this is true. But how will you decide? How will you decide the future of the world, and how are you the future of the world? Well, kids, you will learn different things, which will help you to grow smart and intelligent, and then you will become something, do your job, and make things happen! You will be making the next Google, Apple, Tesla, iPhones, PlayStations, and all the things you can imagine!  

How will kids 'learn'
Now, kids, the question arises that how will kids be learning? And what do they need to learn, as to do something when they grow up? The answer for this is... 

Scroll down... ;) 


Yes. For being the future, and to learn things about the world, kids need to go to school. Kids, you have to learn various subjects called Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Languages to do something in future, or by learning these subjects, you can prepare yourself to do something when you grow up! After attending school, you have to attend college or university, and then after that, you can be anything you want! You can become a doctor, engineer, scientist, astronaut, programmer or anything! 

The point is, that without School, kids, it is not easy to become something in life. In life, we have to become someone important! Every person should have a goal in life, that is what you want to become in the future. Because by becoming what you want in life, you become happy, and being happy is the most important in life! It is not that without attending school you cannot become something. However, it becomes a bit hard, and then you have to work hard to become what you want to become. Thus, School is not the HARDEST, but School is the EASIEST way to become someone you want to become

Knowledge and Education: 
We often hear these words, Knowledge and Education, a lot. What are they, and are they related to School? Let us know their meanings. 

Knowledge means the facts or information about the different things in the universe that can be known by someone. Knowledge is not only limited to subjects but is beyond that. A fact about an old tree in a garden that a kid knows but another kid doesn't know, is also knowledge. In fact, whatever we can know, like someone's name, phone number or anything, is knowledge. However, when we talk about school or in terms of knowledge in school, it means knowing information and facts about the subjects, or the action of knowing things or knowing how to solve things. 

Knowledge is important. Why? To understand the world and the universe better. To understand and know about the life and world! To build your own views, and understand things better. That's why we have to learn new and new things in schools, such as in history, geography, science, and other subjects. 

Now, what is Education? Education is the way or the process of acquiring or getting knowledge. It means the way we get our knowledge. Children generally get knowledge from school, so we can say that kids get education from school. Education is simply the way of action of teaching and learning things. Thus, education gives us knowledge. 

Is getting Knowledge that important? 
Now another question is that is getting knowledge really that important? Well, the answer to this is: No. Because sometimes kids want to go into the fields of sports like they want to become a footballer or cricketer, or they want to do something, like photography, farming, or any other work when they grow up, which doesn't require education or knowledge. In this case, why should they get knowledge? But there is a unique answer to this. 

The answer to this is: Knowledge is not always used for doing some professional job, but knowledge is also important to get an important vision or a better understanding of the world. Getting knowledge helps us to have problem-solving skills, decision-making skills, and a proper understanding. Thus, even if a child wants to become someone who doesn't need education, the child should still go to school to at least get the basic knowledge of the world! 

The Final Answer: 

Gosh! We learnt so much, but then what is the final answer? Why do we, kids, really go to school? So, kids, the final answer to this question is: We go to School to be better selves and better people in the future! Kids go to school to become better selves, that is gain knowledge through education, and use it to become someone they want to be in the future. Also, kids also go to school to become better people or better 'citizens' of the future! That is, in the future, we care for our world, are kind to everyone, and make this world a better place to live, because who else would do that, for kids are the future of this world! 

So, kids, we hope you understood why kids really have to go to school. We would be back soon with much more articles, related to similar questions or common questions, and so much more! Till then, Happy Learning! 

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