English: A Connection or a Competition?


Well hello, kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! Today, we're going to find the answer to a very interesting question, "Is the English language a connection, or a competition in the world?" Yes, we are going to find the answer to it. Have you ever wondered, why the language you might be reading this article in- "English", it has connected so many people worldwide? So many people of different countries, regions and continents have been able to communicate with each other using English!

However, at the same time, don't you think that speaking English has become a competition today among so many people, that we have started to appreciate people who are able to speak English, and we often do not appreciate people who are struggling with speaking or don't know English at all? The point is, English is nowadays seeming to be a connection as well as a competition among people. So in reality, what is English? A Connection, or a Competition? Let's find it out! 

English as a Global Language: 

English has become a global language. A person can communicate anywhere in the world with anyone who knows English. In fact, so many countries with so many people have considered English an important language. We are able to express ourselves and talk to people from different places and countries with the help of English. Be it in India, China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Russia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa or America, people living even in these different and far away places can communicate with each other with the help of English. In fact, we should be grateful to have a language which allows us to communicate with anyone, or in fact, the major audience in the world, to talk to them and express ourselves to them. 

But, our question is that yeah it's great and all that we have such a global language, but why is it a subject we have to learn in school, or why do people not appreciate or make contact with people who are struggling in speaking or don't know English? This makes English a Competition, isn't it? That it's only when someone knows English that the person is welcomed anywhere. However, that's really not the case. 

Understanding it: 

We must understand that the world we live in is super large. And there are 8 billion people in the whole world. English language has not only helped us in communication but has helped us to help other people, develop technology, make friends with other countries, and so much more. English is acting like a Connection between people. It helps us to express ourselves, share information, and talk to people belonging to other places. 

However, due to this 'connection' which has been built among people, now we have made English so professional, that now almost every child speaks English. Of course, kids of countries whose language is English itself will speak English as it is, but nowadays, even the countries whose official language or major language is not English, even there the people and kids are speaking English fluently and without any hesitation. Such countries include India, China, South Korea, Japan,  The UAE, and so many European countries. 

As a result, we are making the concept of a global language complicated. We are now thinking that without this language, nothing is possible. This might be true, that without English, people around the world might not be able to communicate with each other, but we are giving the language so much respect and importance, that we have forgotten to give people consideration. As a result, many people started to feel disappointed or sad just because they either don't know English, or they are not so good at it. Not knowing English properly is absolutely fine. After all, it is not the king of all languages. Every language is unique in its own way. 

The point is, it all sometimes also feels like a competition. We should learn not to discriminate against people on the basis of their understanding or knowledge of English. After all, they know a language you don't know, and vice versa. And now why is English a subject in school? Well, again we have made it complicated here. It looks like a competition. But wait for a second. Because English as a subject in schools is NOT a competition. 

The Conclusion: 
We agree that we must have confused you A LOT, didn't we? After all, what is English?! A Connection, or a Competition? While people are able to communicate with each other fluently, on the other hand, people are also competing over who is better at English. The Conclusion? 
English is a connection, rather than a competition. However, we are creating some competition based on that connection. We must understand that English is a connection, and it helps us to connect with the world. But at the same time, not knowing English doesn't demote a person, or does not decrease his or her value. After all, "Nobody is Perfect." and "Perfect is the enemy of good!" And if not English, then that person would know something which you might not know. So let's treat everyone with equality, even if they don't know English or are weak in it, and let's enchant this connection of English, and use the language to connect briefly with the world! 

Happy Learning! 

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