So Many People - Is it a Problem?

Well, hello Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! Today, we are going to learn about the answer to a very important question: Are so many people living in the world a problem? First, you would say, of course, why would it be a problem? In fact, it is even better as there will be more people who will become the future of the world! But well, sadly that is not the case. Yet, we will study this problem in detail! So let us begin!

What is Population?

Let's simply understand: Population is the number of people living in a particular place. For example in a city, 10,000 people are living. Thus, the population of the city will be 10,000 people. Similarly, the population of a place can be the number of people living in any place, be it an area, a village, a town, a city, a province, a state, or even a country. Even the whole world has a population. Thus, anyone living in a place is counted in the place's population. 

Current Population: 

When this article is being written, the current world population is more than 8 Billion people or more than 8,000,000,000 people. This means that more than 8 billion people are currently living on the earth! A lot! Isn't it? In fact, these 8 Billion people live in different countries, almost in 200 countries of the world. Man! The world is so vast! Anyways, thus we conclude that on our planet earth, or in our world, there are a lot of people living in it!

Growing Population: 

You know kids, every day, more than 3 lakhs (300,000) babies are born, and more than 1 lakh (100,000) people die every day, thus making the net increase in population, 2 lakhs. Thus, every day the world population increases by 2 lakhs (200,000) people! So imagine, how much the population will increase in a year!

The thing is, every day, people living on this planet or in this world, their number or population is increasing. This has made our population to increase day by day. So what is the problem? Let us see.

The Problem: 

So kids you might be wondering, that what is the actual problem, right? Let us understand. A few years ago, we had fewer people than we have now, and now the population's growth is still rising. This is and could be a bigger problem for the whole world as more people means more requirements of resources, like home, water, food, and electricity. Also, poverty will increase as there will be fewer jobs and more people. And as there will be so many people, the country's government would not be able to provide services for all people, as there will be a shortage of resources, and the demand will be more.

There can also be a lack of homes, education, and basic needs for the people! And if the prices or cost of things will increase. Why? Because the number of things will be less and there will be more people demanding to buy it. Thus, it will be total chaos. This problem when the population of the whole world will be a lot, and more problems will arise, is called Overpopulation.

Thus, overpopulation will lead to a struggle to live, to get things, to buy things, to learn and educate, and in fact, everything would be problematic! Thus, the answer to the title is: Yes, so many people, might be a problem in the future. But for now, the world is connected. We, humans, should be aware of overpopulation and its problems, thus we could understand, that it might be very problematic in the future.

So kids, now this is the end of this article. We hope this article was useful! See you soon, till then, Happy Learning!

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