What is Fear? - The Uncomfortable Feeling

Hey kids! Welcome to KidsCast! once again! Today's article is so amazing that it will surely spark your imagination! Have you ever wondered or heard of the concept of 'Fear'? If yes, then do you have any fears? In short, fear is an uncomfortable feeling, when we feel threatened, scared or uncomfortable. It happens when we are scared of someone, something, etc. So grab your thinking caps and let's go! 

What is Fear? 

Fear is a feeling that we all experience sometimes. In fact, we experience fears in our daily lives. Fear is felt when we are scared of something and feel that something is dangerous. It's our body's way of reacting to something that we think or feel is dangerous or threatening. Fear can be a helpful feeling because it can keep us safe by alerting us to danger and helping us avoid it. For example: If you're walking in the dark and hear a loud noise, your body might feel a quick burst of fear. This is because your brain is trying to tell you that the noise might be dangerous and you need to be careful.

However, sometimes our fears can become too big and start to control our lives. This can make it difficult for us to do things we enjoy or to try new things, and it can make us feel uncomfortable. For example, if you're afraid of speaking in front of a group, you might avoid doing presentations or speaking up in class. Being afraid is the same as being scared. Thus, fear simply means a feeling that we feel when we are afraid or scared.

Why do we fear?

It is our brain which makes us fear. But it is not the fault of the brain directly. Fears are natural emotions that help us to say alert. But they are also sometimes uncomfortable. We feel scared or afraid when we hear stories, or experience fear ourselves. When we fear by ourselves, it is our brain which makes us scared. Though it helps us to be aware, it is not comfortable to be scared, right? Nobody feels safe when they feel fear.

As fears are mostly natural, it has been useful for thousands of years and has helped humans and people to stay safe as well. Yes, the feeling of fear, is uncomfortable. But, they also play a special role in letting us know by our brain, to stay alert and careful.

What happens when we Fear?

There are many things that happen to our mind, brain and body when we fear, feel scared or be afraid. Some of the things are:

  • In our body, our heart starts to beat faster as we become scared or afraid, or our palms and hands and skin becomes sweaty. Our body also starts to feel tense.
  • In our brain or mind, we feel anxious, scared or fearful. We start to worry a lot and imagine things that can happen if we see or experience our fear, or what can be its outcomes or result. We also become more alert.
  • Our behaviour starts to be different. We are more scared and stressed and start to avoid things that scare us, and we act very differently, in an anxious way.
Types of Fears:
People can be scared of many things and can have fears of many things. A few things of which people have fears are:
  • Fear of Dark: It means that people are afraid of going into the dark alone.
  • Fear of Loud noises: Some kids can also be afraid of loud noises like thunder, fireworks, or even vacuums.
  • Fear of Animals and Insects: People can be scared of some animals and insects like Snakes, Spiders, Lizards, Bats, and Cockroaches.
  • Fear of Height: Some people are also scared of too much height, and thus are scared of being at higher floors, travelling in aeroplanes, etc.
  • And so many more!

How to conquer Fear?
To conquer fear means to end your fear or stop being scared of things that make you scared or fearful. Yes! There are many ways to conquer your fears. Though it can be challenging, it is not impossible. Here are a few ways through which by using them you can conquer your fears:
  • By talking to someone: Talking to someone like your parents, teachers, or elders can make your fear less overwhelming or less uncomfortable.
  • Facing your fears: This means that you face your fears, do some deep breathing, and calm yourself down. By gradually facing your fears you can completely stop being fearful or scared.
  • Know about your fears: Knowing your fears can be a great way to stop being scared of them. So you should be aware of what scares you, and try to face those fears so you feel like you are more in control.
  • Be active, and sleep properly: Get enough sleep and be active throughout the day. You should sleep enough for at least 8-10 hours, and do some activity like sports or walking, running, at least once a day.
The Conclusion:
Finally, it is important to remember that everyone has fears, and everyone is scared of something or other. And by talking to someone, facing our fears and being aware of them, one can easily end their fears! Though it is an uncomfortable feeling, fears also help us protect ourselves from actual dangers too! By ending our fears and conquering them, we can become braver or more confident!

So, kids, this is the end of this short and crisp article. We hope you liked it! Talk to you later... Till then, Happy Learning!

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