What the Schools Don't want Students to Know!


Hey Kids! Welcome to KidsCast! And welcome to this article too. Just for your information, you wouldn't learn anything in this article but know the truth. It is a myth-buster and an open-charge attack on almost all schools in the world! 

Have you ever wondered why are students judged on the basis of their marks, and not other abilities? Have you ever wondered why schools charge so much fees? Have you ever thought of the daily challenges teachers face even apart from teaching? Well, in this article, we will understand every aspect of what REALLY happens behind the scenes in schools, when students are studying... Let's begin!

The Education Business:

The REAL face of Private Schools

Many years back, education was provided at very low costs, because the priority was not to earn priceless amounts of money but to civilise students, share knowledge with kids, and enhance their skills. But the recent development in many countries saw the rise of many greedy and corrupt people. They were private entities, as well as businessmen. Some were even political leaders or related people. They saw the process of education as a way to earn endless amounts of money. They were pretty smart. They made their schools, started charging large amounts of fees, and also hired good teachers, to attract more students. 

Their so much interference forced government schools and the schools which charge low fees, to close, temporarily or even forever. In this way, private schools or fee-paying schools started to dominate the education sector, and that is why education has started to become very less accessible to the poorer strata or sections of society and country. 

Okay, earning from some services you are offering is not bad. But earning massively as to put a burden on pressure on so many parents and students for just the medium of fees, is not just a bad thing, but potentially a crime against humanity. Hence, not every school is bad, but not every school is good too. 

Good teachers VS Bad teachers:

Have you ever compared your school teachers between Good or Bad? Or maybe, strict or kind? Well, guess what, this is a very important thing in schools because a good or bad teacher can either enhance your knowledge or deplete your confidence too. Now because the country and cities have more private schools, let's walk into their depth. Who are Good teachers? Teachers who don't prefer to shout or talk harshly about every single thing, help students to understand and learn, explain to students from their point of view, and consider teaching as not their job but their duty to humanity, are good teachers. Being strict is not bad, but being strict about every single thing is super bad

Now, who are Bad teachers? Teachers that have no other work but to raise their voices on every single sentence, thing or literally any situation, who do not understand the student's point of view for understanding, judge students on basis of their marks, and do not help the struggling students, are the Bad Teachers.

This concept of good or bad teachers is pretty obvious. But now let's look at some things you do not know!

School Politics & Management:

Now, just tell, who is the head of the whole school and who manages the whole institution? The Principal. So in the first instance, it might seem that the Principal is the root of all problems. But guess what, the principal is also just a person who is paid to manage the school, and not some dictator or supreme commander. He/She is also just an employee, like teachers, co-ordinators, staff, etc. And now what is this School Politics? Let's understand everything, one by one-by-one!

School Politics is generally the power struggles or the problems faced by the school management people, like the Owners, Directors, Principals, Coordinators, etc. They compete for their decisions to be the final decisions, and the more powerful people in school management put pressure on the less powerful. Now it's important to know that there are many people above the principal too, like the directors, administrative officials, Chairman, and of course, the Owner. So, these administrative people put pressure on the rest of the school staff, creating an aroma of fear, hesitation and anxiety. 

You see? Teachers, coordinators and not even the Principal has much control over how the schools function, if there is a lot of interference from the Higher Management, which generally consists of those corrupt and greedy people who charge so many fees. A lot of schools are seen to have a lot of interference from the higher authorities, due to which the school staff, teachers and even students face a lot of problems. 

The Problems:

The first one to face problems is the students. They have to carry the load of completing so many notebooks and homework on time, which is in overwhelming amounts, and what not! The problem is that the students have no "direct connection" to the Higher Management, and the Higher Management hence does not understand what are the needs of the students, or many times this management doesn't even care what the students need. Now, this is too, a crime against humanity. 

The teachers have to do so much other work which they are not paid for because they are just paid for teaching. There are schools where our researchers have found that teachers have to go to distribute school admission advertising posters! Of course, this is not something the teachers are expected to do, and neither they are paid for it. Just imagine, the Higher Management, just for saving money and earning more, make so many people struggle! 

All of this is not expected. School Politics are just some dumb things, and Higher Management is often the root of all the problems. If they do not understand or care what the students and teachers expect, their management turns into a dictatorship or worthless management

As of records, every 1 out of 3 private schools in India, faces the issue of School Politics, where the big fish eats the small fishes, instead of providing the education in the best way they can. This has become so common that now many people, teachers, parents and students have started to ignore these things! Every parent should ensure that what are the issues faced by the students, and question the school about their management and policies, which is their right because they pay for their child's education.

The Exam Race:

This is finally something we all experience. The Exams. They say that the exams are something that tests you on how much you know anything, but unfortunately, often students are judged on the basis of exams. The students who get good grades or marks are supported and enhanced more, but the mediocre and struggling students are not helped that much. Why? The answer is that many teachers, and school managers want ready-made geniuses, and they think they would waste time helping the struggling students, so they just promote the topper students. 

This exam race is nothing but sickness, because literally EVERYONE, judges students on the basis of some useless answer sheet. Nobody understands the students' point of view, what other amazing abilities they have, and just focus on what they failed or passed in the exams. Mark our words, though exams are gonna get you good consequences, and fancy certificates and degrees, but they are never EVER can decide your worth!

So, kids, it's the right of the students to question the schools or ask their parents to do so. If you think that there are many unfair things in your school, ask your parents to help you out. If they are looting so many fees from our pockets, it's our right and duty to ask what, when, and why are they doing something! 

We hope this article opened your eyes and now you can understand the "behind the scenes" of the schools. When you are studying, working hard, or busy in learning or playing, these schools have dangerous intentions, like judging students on small things, and what not. We hope you liked this article! See you later...


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