What is War? - Why does it happen?


Hello Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! Have you ever heard of the army, military, bombs or guns? Sometimes on the news you would've heard someone telling you there is some war or something? War is a very disappointing situation, yet we all should be aware of what it is, and why it happens. So in this article, we'll understand and get to know all of this. So let's begin! 

Different Places, Different People:

Before we understand what is war anyways, let's take a look at the whole world. We live in a world, which is full of different places. That means, there will be a lot of different people as well. Why? Because each place would have its own beliefs, thinking, culture, customs, traditions and religion. So we can conclude, that the world has a lot of different people, and hence every place differs in various things of their people, like their language, beliefs, thinking, culture, traditions, etc. 

What is War, then?

Now as the world has so many different people, with different thinking, and so many other different things, people have these things we can call differences. These differences are actually not a bad thing, instead, we should respect these differences, because each kind of group of people is unique in its own way!

However, sadly there are some people that hate these differences, and think that the other group of people is less important or unique. They do not respect these differences. A War is a situation where there are fights and battles between two or more groups of people, or we can say countries. A War is a sad situation and we must avoid it. However, there had been so many wars in our history, and also happen today, because of various reasons. 

In a war, there are usually army of soldiers who fight for their groups/countries, using military equipment and weapons like guns, bombs, and other explosives. There are also army tanks and missiles involved in wars. Sometimes air force, and navy forces also participate in some war situations. 

In a War, two or more groups of people or countries, fight against each other for various reasons. They think that by winning the war and defeating the opponent group of people or country, they would earn something, which they usually do, but with a lot of losses as well. We should in general try to avoid wars and promote peace between people, and most importantly, all the countries in the world. Now let's talk about and discuss, that why these wars actually happen. 

Why do Wars happen?
There are a lot of different reasons that wars happen, because almost every war has a different reason. It could be to gain independence or fight for your group or country, or even to attack or defend your country from the opponent country. However, mostly wars happen because of the orders, desires and wants of the political leaders or the country leaders of different countries. 

The different leaders of different countries sometimes want to conquer other countries and control them, their land, resources, and earn profits. However, wars can also happen if one country feels threatened by another country, and thus attacks on it or starts war with it. Basically war is a situation where political and country leaders do not want to talk peacefully about the situation and resolve it, but rather prove themselves right, by using means of violence, which is very very wrong.

But wars generally cause a lot of damage to life and property. They injure and even kill so many people, who fight in the war. Sometimes the normal people who are not even fighting in the war are killed. Thus, a war is always a bad situation. It kills so many people, destroys people's houses, buildings, cities, and there are huge losses of life, property and finance too. A few examples of wars are World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam War, and Civil War in Syria.

How can we avoid Wars?

We humans should not fight against each other. We should understand that the world has different people, who can have different cultures, beliefs, understandings, and ideas. We must try to resolve the issues and conflicts without wars. The conflicted countries or groups should meet each other, and discuss the problems and issues, and then peacefully decide on a solution which is agreed with both sides. 

There can be peaceful negotiations with both the countries, which can improve the situation and not lead to war-like situations. There should be peaceful diplomacy, and the countries should understand each other's POVs (point of views), so they can come onto a peaceful situation. We should respect other cultures, religions, traditions, beliefs, and most importantly, different people, so we don't generate hatred for them. We should not hate anyone too!

Also we must stop the bad political leaders from starting wars by protesting and campaigning for peace. We should support organizations like United Nations which stand for peace and improve other countries' relations. We must spread love and unity throughout the world, and stand for peace. Just imagine, just a few steps of our understanding of believing in peace and unity, can save so many lives and so much property, by saying no to wars!


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