Saving the Earth - Our Responsibily!

Hello Children! As today is Earth Day, hence we had written this Article. Children, did you know plastic was first made by accident in 1907 by a Belgian-American chemist Leo Baekeland? The same plastic that was a new discovery then is now ending up in natural environments like the oceans that disrupt many aquatic life forms. Plastic pollution was first noticed as a problem when scientists were carrying out the plankton study in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. During researching the Sargasso Sea marine biologist Ed Carpenter first found white specks floating around brown sargassum seaweed later they realized it was plastic. If we all start now by making rules to not use plastic and stop throwing waste into oceans it's a start to save the planet.    

Global warming 

Global warming I'm sure you’ve heard of, you should know just because we can see it in front of our faces doesn't mean it's not happening. Global warming is one of the ways we are hurting the planet and one thing we can stop to save the planet.

When did Global warming start?  

Scientists say that the end of the 19th century was the point at which human activity started influencing the climate. But the new study brings that date forward to the 1830s.

What is Global warming? Global warming is the long-term heating of the earth's climate system due to human activities like fossil fuel burning that increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere.  

What is the effect of Global warmings? Effects scientists had predicted are loss of sea ice, accelerated sea-level rise, and longer, more intense heat waves.

How can we prevent Global warming? A few ways we can prevent Global warming is...

  1. Power your home with renewable energy.

  2. Invest in energy-efficient appliances.

  3. Reduce water waste.

  4. Eat the food you buy.

  5. Drive a fuel-efficient vehicle.

 Polar Bear


Back before the Earth was being disturbed by all the pollution, waste, etc. there were still people and they didn't produce this much pollution and waste. I'm not saying we completely live without technology, I'm saying for example if we use more energy-saving modes of transport there will be less emission of greenhouse gasses. Pollution is one of the ways we are hurting the planet and one thing we can stop to save the planet.

What are the different types of pollution? The different types of pollution are…

  1. Air pollution.

  2. Water pollution.

  3. Soil pollution.

  4. Radioactive pollution.

  5. Noise pollution.

What is the effect of pollution? Pollution includes muddy landscapes, poison soils, and waterways, that kill plants and animals. Humans are also harmed by pollution. Too much exposure to air pollution for example can lead to chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, and other diseases.

How can we stop pollution? We can stop  pollution by...

  1. Reduce the number of trips you take in your car.

  2. Reduce or eliminate fireplace and wood stove use.

  3. Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials.

  4. Avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment.

This is an example of air pollution 

from factories that mass release gas

 into the air. 


Waste is littered, thrown, dumped everywhere from oceans to land. If we find ways to reduce wastage or reuse items, waste is one thing we can stop to save the planet.

What are the different types of waste? Some of the different types of waste are...

  1. municipal solid waste

  2. agricultural and animal waste

  3. medical waste

  4. radioactive waste

  5. hazardous waste

  6. industrial non-hazardous waste

  7. construction and demolition debris

  8. extraction and mining waste

  9. oil and gas production waste

  10. fossil fuel combustion waste

Where does the waste go? the majority of the U.S. sends their trash to the dump. Beyond landfills, waste in the U.S. also goes to recycling centers, composters and waste-to-energy plants.

How can we reduce our waste?

  1. Use a reusable bottle or cup for beverages on the go

  2. Use reusable grocery bags, and not just for groceries

  3. Purchase wisely and recycle

  4. Compost it

  5. Avoid single-use food and drink containers and utensils

  6. Buy second-hand items and donate used goods

  7. Shop in local farmers markets and buy in bulk to reduce packaging

   8. lower the use of paper

This is an example of how waste ends up in oceans and harms 

aquatic life forms.


Hopefully, you understand what is happening to the planet. By reading about global warming, pollution, and waste you can be inspired to start to use the methods to help the cause and save the planet! Saving our Planet is not only our task but also our responsibility! Hence, children, plant trees, save paper, Recycle, and do anything what you can do to Save the Earth.


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