The Dark Age - A Time Which Left Humans Stunned!

Hello Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! So kids, we are back with a very interesting topic because at the time we are going was the time when nature really showed its anger on humans that how angry our mother earth was from us! Instead of improving we went worse but don't worry, we will improve and now lets start with this thrilling and amazing topic! 

Extreme time:
The Dark Age was an extreme time which really left the humans stunned! Why we are saying that is because the sun was not visible on earth for approximately 18 months. Many parts of the world were severely affected because of this time. More than 40 million people died because of this tragedy. The majorly affected areas were Europe, East and South Asia and North America.

How it occurred?
In the starting of the year 536 A.D. three volcanoes, two in Iceland and one in North America erupted which caused this tragedy. Why the event occurred because of this is that these volcanoes were so big and so tall that when these gases came out of the volcanoes the gases were so polluted and so strong that it got spread into many parts of the world blocked the sunlight from reaching our Earth.

So, as you know that sunlight is a very important resource for this world to be alive, this became a difficult time for all the organisms. As sunlight did not reach the Earth, plants weren't able to make there own food by the process of photosynthesis (a process responsible for making of the own food of plants) which lead to death of plants. As plants died oxygen level on Earth started to dip down and then many animals also died. All those animals who used to feed on other animals also started to die which resulted in shortage of food. Because of this most of the people starved to death. Rich people had some food in there stocks but as there stocks finished they also started to die. Less and polluted oxygen also led to deaths of many people. 

First person to state this:
So, in an interview of a scholar and a medieval historian named Michael McCormick in 2018 when the interviewer asked him that "what year do you think was the worst year to be alive?" he said "536. Not 1349, when the Black Death wiped out half of Europe. Not 1918, when the flu killed 50 million to 100 million people, mostly young adults. But 536. In Europe, It was the beginning of one of the worst periods to be alive, if not then the worst year, says McCormick "A mysterious fog plunged Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia into darkness, day and night for 18 months. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during the whole year, wrote Byzantine historian Procopius. Temperatures in the summer of 536 fell 1.5°C to 2.5°C, initiating the coldest decade in the past 2300 years. Snow fell that summer in China crops had failed so people starved. The Irish chronicles recorded a failure of bread from the years 536 to 539." 

Some amazing things to know about this:
Now we will tell you about some amazing things and facts about this age.
1. Super Cold - As you all know that if sunlight will not reach Earth then our Earth will not become warm and hence it has to suffer from extreme cold. Places like China and Japan had experienced snowfall for the first time because of this Dark Age. It was that cold that we could call it like A mini Ice Age in winters of this year 536.
2. No food - Because the crops failed, people had to starve and many people even died because of hunger. Many animals also died because many plants died.

Okay kids! This was all for this article. Hope you enjoyed reading it and getting to know that how angry our Mother Earth can be from us. You are seeing the anger of nature outside now also, but still we are not improving, we should take a lesson from this and improve and kids you will have to do it because you are our next generation. Okay kids, for a time being, good bye but don't worry we will be back again with more amazing posts. Till then Happy Learning!

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