Why ChatGPT is so great, but it can't teach you.


So, kids, you must've used or maybe at least heard about ChatGPT. If not, well no worries! ChatGPT, or Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a super smart texting AI (Artificial Intelligence)  tool with whom you can chat or text, ask questions, get information and give it tasks or problems to resolve. It has been made by an organization named OpenAI. So this AI tool became very famous after its launch in 2020. However, many people wonder whether ChatGPT is so powerful that it can do anything, including teaching. But here we are with proof and reasons to tell everyone, that ChatGPT cannot obviously teach kids, teens or literally anyone. Let's dive into the topic more!

A bit on Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial Intelligence or AI means the system given to a computer or robot which has intelligence, emotional, learning and thinking abilities just like a human has. AI has always been a topic of intense discussion among people, kids, and teens. While some people think that AI or Artificial Intelligence is great, it's advanced in technology and thus is a great evolution in technology, others think that AI will end up in a disaster. You must've seen many Sci-fi movies or read books where the villains are AI, computers, robots or machines. Some examples include movies like Terminator, WarGames, Ghost in the Shell, and Chappie. 

But what is the real truth? Is AI really dangerous? Or it is a silly fear people are simply spreading. The answer to this is, that AI is not normally dangerous or evil. It is really helpful and great for humans. However, when the same AI is designed and used evilly, then it might be a danger. But as for ChatGPT, it is a very weak AI which has very little power, as it only consists of text-based responses or replies. Although it can give out a lot of information and can help a lot, still it is not that powerful AI that could turn out dangerous. Yet, people are worried about ChatGPT being powerful, as many companies and organizations are giving it tasks and firing their employees and staff. The creativity work that used to happen before, like writing stories, poems and songs is now done very fast and quickly by ChatGPT. This worries people about ChatGPT being a lot more influential. 

Pros of ChatGPT:

Imagine ChatGPT as your go-to encyclopedia, a vast repository of information ready to engage in conversation. Its knowledge spans across diverse topics, and it's always eager to share its wealth of information. This ability to hold meaningful and informative conversations is what makes ChatGPT so fascinating and useful. It's like having a knowledgeable friend who's available 24/7 to answer your questions and engage in discussions. And it's not just information or help that you can seek from ChatGPT, but ChatGPT can also give you solutions to complex problems, situations and issues. For example, if you're in some problems regarding your project that you have to make. So you can tell your situation and circumstances to ChatGPT and it will understand and quickly give you more suggestions and information. So ChatGPT is a lot more than just getting information, completing text-based tasks, etc.

The best part about ChatGPT is that it is free. Although it has a premium version for which you have to pay, the basic version which is also very very useful is also free. So this way, ChatGPT can be used by a variety of people for different purposes. But if we talk about teaching, that can ChatGPT teach people, kids or teens? Let's see.

ChatGPT as a Teacher:

However, the magic of teaching goes beyond just sharing information. A great teacher possesses the skill to break down complex concepts into understandable chunks, tailor explanations to suit individual learning styles and ways and guide students through a structured learning journey. Unfortunately, this is where ChatGPT falls short. While it excels at providing information, it cannot understand the unique needs of each learner and adapt its approach accordingly. ChatGPT can surely try to break down information in a language that the reader can understand, but it cannot actually perceive what the reader understands, and what is the reader confused about.

One of the key qualities of an effective teacher is the ability to gauge a student's level of understanding and adjust the pace of learning accordingly. A teacher can recognize when a student is struggling, offer additional explanations, and provide examples that resonate with the learner. ChatGPT, despite its vast knowledge, lacks the intuitive understanding of a student's comprehension level. It can't adapt its teaching methods to cater to individual learning needs.

Moreover, teaching involves more than just delivering facts. It requires fostering critical thinking skills, encouraging creativity, and providing constructive feedback. A good teacher creates an interactive and engaging learning environment, inspiring students to explore and discover on their own. ChatGPT, while a brilliant conversationalist, cannot actively engage in the learning process in the same way. It can provide information, but it cannot stimulate curiosity, challenge students to think critically, or offer personalized feedback.

So are teachers irreplaceable?

In short, Yes. In the realm of education, the teacher-student relationship is irreplaceable. A teacher not only imparts knowledge but also serves as a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration. The human touch in teaching is invaluable – the encouragement, empathy, and emotional connection that a teacher provides contribute significantly to the learning experience. ChatGPT, being a machine, cannot replicate this human element that makes the teaching-learning process holistic and enriching.

So you should be thankful that the world has not yet become a place where robots teach children, teens and people. Otherwise learning and education would have been extremely confusing and boring and in fact, most people would not be able to learn if robots and AI would've taught us!

In conclusion, ChatGPT is undeniably a fantastic tool – a knowledge buddy that can answer your questions, engage in informative conversations, and provide a wealth of information. However, when it comes to the intricate art of teaching, it falls short. The essence of teaching lies in the ability to connect with students on a personal level, adapt to their unique learning styles, and foster a love for learning. While ChatGPT may be an unparalleled tool for information retrieval and conversation, it cannot replace the nuanced qualities that make a teacher truly exceptional. In the world of education, the role of a teacher remains irreplaceable, adding a human touch that machines like ChatGPT can never emulate!


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