The Great Pacific Garbage Patch - Inhumanity of Humans!

Hello Kids! Once again welcome to KidsCast! As all of you know we humans produce tons and tons of garbage everyday and most of the cleaning authorities dump it in the land or throw it in the water bodies but do you all know that there is now an island formed in Pacific ocean which is completely made up of garbage! Doesn't it sound surprising! But today we will learn more about it. Exact location Now you all would be thinking where is it actually!! Don't worry I will tell you now. It is located in the Central North Pacific ocean. Approximately it is located from 135°W to 155°W and 35°N to 42°N . Don't think that it is confusing. Here's a map which you can understand. Location of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch As you see in the map it is located near USA. It is also called Pacific Trash Vortex. But the one in the image is the Eastern Garbage Patch. But there is also a Western Garbage Patch which is near Japan. Here is another ...