Where did all the Dinosaurs go? - The Story
Hey friends! Yup, you're our friends, kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! Today, we're here to find the answer to a very interesting question! Have you ever wondered why we had so many dinosaurs living on our earth, then what exactly happened? Where did they all go? And if they died, then how? What caused them to die or disappear? And why are they not alive today? Let's begin with this article, and we'll get the answers to all these questions! The time of Dinosaurs: Before we go into the depth of what caused dinosaurs to disappear or die, it would be great to know the time of dinosaurs, or when they existed. Now, what is the meaning of Exist? Exist means to live or survive at a particular time, in reality. So, dinosaurs lived on the earth, in this same world, many millions of years ago. The time when dinosaurs lived or basically that particular era is known as the Mesozoic Era . This era was present 252-66 million years ago . This was the age of dinosaurs, also known as ...