Roman Numerals - A Confusing Yet Interesting Concept!
Hey Kids, Welcome back to KidsCast! Today we will be learning a Concept from Mathematics and it is ' Roman Numbers ' like you saw in the title. Let's begin with a brief introduction. Ancient Romans used a unique way of representing their numbers. They are denoted by different combinations of Signs (included in the English Alphabet). Example: V -> 5. You might have also seen Clocks that use these Roman Numbers like these in the picture below: Roman Number Symbols: We can easily write the numbers if we know and understand the following symbols and what they stand for. The Rules: If a symbol is before a larger symbol then they are subtracted . Eg: IX = X - I = 10 - 1 = 9 If a symbol is after a larger symbol then they are added . Eg: CXX = C + X + X = 100 + 10 + 10 = 120 We also have a Mnemonic for this, which is A fter Larger is A dded. Roman Numbers: Now that we know the Roman Symbols, let's look at the Roman Numbers which are formed by combining