
Showing posts from November, 2021

Roman Numerals - A Confusing Yet Interesting Concept!

Hey Kids, Welcome back to KidsCast!  Today we will be learning a Concept from Mathematics and it is ' Roman Numbers ' like you saw in the title.  Let's begin with a brief introduction. Ancient Romans used a unique way of representing their numbers. They are denoted by different combinations of Signs (included in the English Alphabet). Example: V -> 5.   You might have also seen Clocks that use these Roman Numbers like these in the picture below: Roman Number Symbols: We can easily write the numbers if we know and understand the following symbols and what they stand for. The Rules: If a symbol is before a  larger symbol then they are  subtracted . Eg: IX = X - I = 10 - 1 = 9 If a symbol is after a  larger symbol then they are added .  Eg:  CXX  =  C  +  X  +  X  = 100 + 10 + 10 =  120 We also have a Mnemonic for this, which is A fter Larger is A dded. Roman Numbers: Now that we know the Roman Symbols, let's look at the Roman Numbers which are formed by combining

Is News Always Correct? - A Big Question!

  Hey Kids! Welcome to KidsCast once again! Today, we are going to answer a very interesting question! Have you ever wondered that is News is Always Correct? Like everything which is showed on the Television, everything which is written on Newspaper, and whatever news you read on the Internet, is all of that actually TRUE? Let us answer this question, while understanding a few things properly!  How does News Industry work?  How do actually News and Media companies or industries work majorly depends on what is their mindset or what are their goals . Like for example, a few companies want to share true news, and they actually do that. But on the other hand, a few companies or industries share paid information. They take money from their investors or business houses and they share the news what those business houses want.  Various news companies or industries don't have that much money, that they can run their news channels or newspapers on their own. So they need some investors or

States of Matter - Introduction

  Hey kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! Today, we are going to discuss the different States of Matter, in our environment! So let us begin! What are States of Matter?  Everyday, in all of our environment, we see various things. Some of them are hard, some of them are soft, some of them are wet and some of them are dry. All these characteristics or features like "soft, wet, hard, and dry" have proper names for the State or Features of its Matter. So, states of matter can be said as the forms or states in which matter exists. States of Matter can also be said as the different forms of matter. Matter in simple terms means anything which has mass and which does take space. So let us learn more about the States of Matter!  What are Molecules? Before we study about the States of Matter, we first need to know that what are Molecules. Molecules are the smallest unit of a material, or a compound. Molecules are made up of groups of atoms.  The Different States of Matter:  For this art

The Mystery of USS Cyclops

Hello!  Welcome back to another article! I am sure we had talked about the incidents of the Bermuda Triangle earlier, but lets talk about one of them in detail today! Are you excited? So let us begin! WHAT IS THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE?? For those of you who don't know what the Bermuda Triangle, let me tell you. The Bermuda Triangle is a loosely defined area in the western part of the North Atlantic ocean where a number of ships and planes have gone missing under mysterious circumstances. It also vaguely looks like a triangle with its vertices being Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. USS Cyclops' Disappearance USS CYCLOPS was the second of four Proteus-class colliers or ships we can say, built for the United States Navy several years before World War. The loss of the ship and 306 crew memebers without a trace, remains to be America's greatest loss of life in their Naval history without any combat. It was thought to be sunken by a German Raider but the German Government denied any

Respiration In Plants - Plants breathe too!

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to another article! Today Let's learn about Respiration In Plants! During the day plants take in Carbon Dioxide for photosynthesis and release energy and oxygen. However, at night they inhale oxygen and breathe out Carbon Dioxide. Ever wondered how they do that? Let's learn about it today!   RESPIRATION THROUGH LEAVES Stomatas are special structure present on the underside of the leaves of the plant that help in exchange of gases. Its Opening and Closing is brought about special cells known as Guard Cells. The opening and closing happens due to variation is light and moisture. RESPIRATION THROUGH ROOTS Did you know that roots also breathe. They absorb the oxygen from airspaces prsent between the soil particles. Hence we say not to overwater the plants as water may displace the air spaces and effect the growth of the plants. RESPIRATION THORUGH STEM Trees having hard and woody stems the respiration also occurs through the stem. There are pores on the bar

What is Sound? - A Simple Yet Scientific Concept and Explanation!

  Hello Kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! We all hear something every time every where but do you all know exactly what do we hear, we hear Sound. Yes, this is what our today's topic too, Sound. Today we are going to learn about Sound so kids, get geared up and lets start with the topic. So, What is Sound? So kids, now you all would be wondering that what is sound? The answer is that it is a kind of energy which is created by vibrations. When there is a movement in an object, the air particles present all around us start moving creating vibrations and further creating sound which we hear through our ears, but, do you all know that this movement is so fast that we don't even get to know about the process. Speed of Sound But why don't we get to know about the process? This is because sound travels really fast. The movement is so fast that it does not let us get to know what exactly happened.  Sound travels differently in solids, liquids and gases.  According to scientific term

Sense Organs - KidsCast Junior!

  Hello kids! Welcome back to KidsCast Junior! Today we will talking about our 5 sense organs or 5 senses. But first we will see what do we mean by senses? What are Sense Organs? Sense Organs mean that the organs that helps us in connecting towards the outer world. Now, we will be telling you what are the Sense Organs of our Body. So, we have 5 sense organs which are: 1. Nose 2. Eyes 3. Skin 4. Ears 5. Tongue And now we will be telling you this in more detail. 1) Nose We are sure that sometimes when your mother cooks food, It smells nice and sometimes when garbage is kept nearby you close your nose because it smells bad. But do you all know that this nose is a sense organ which helps us in smelling the things around us. So, it is also called Sense of smell. It also helps us in breathing.  To keep your nose clean, you should follow the good habits: 1. Do not put your finger inside your nose. 2. To clean your nose, use a soft cotton with some mild water.  2) Eyes Eyes are the most delica

The Largest Planet in our Solar System - Jupiter

Hey kids! Welcome back to KidsCast! We are back with an interesting topic! Today we will be learning about Jupiter. Are you guys excited? Let's started! About Jupiter: Jupiter is named after the Roman God Jupiter , the King of the Gods, because of its observed size. It is the largest planet in the Solar System and is the fifth from the Sun. Jupiter is a gas giant and has a mass more than 2 and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System Combined.  Jupiter's volume is that of about that of  1,321 Earths. Can you imagine how big it is?  It also has the most number of moons than any planet in the Solar System.  Can you guess how many moons it has? Jupiter has 69 moons!   Jupiter is most likely the oldest planet in the Solar System. It also radiates more heat than it receives from the Sun. Jupiter has a diameter of 142,984 km (88,846 mi). As a Gas Giant, Jupiter  doesn't have a true surface. While a Spacecraft has nowhere to land, it

The Generations of Computers - KidsCast!

Hello Everyone! Welcome to KidsCast! In today's post, we will be discussing about The Generations of Computers. There are 5 Generations of Computers . These computers used different types of Computer Languages. The languages used in First and Second Generations of  Computers are examples of Low Level Languages.  The languages used in the Third, Fourth and Fifth  Generations of Computers are examples of High Level  Languages. First Generation: The period of the First Generation of Computers were from 1946 to 1959.  These computers used Vacuum Tubes or Thermionic Valve Machine.  The First Generation Computers used a language called Machine Language.  The input of this system was based on punched cards and paper tape , the output was  displayed on printouts. Examples of these Computers: ENIAC, EDVAC, etc. Second Generation: The period of the Second Generation Computers were  from 1956 to 1963.  The Second Generation Computers used  Transistors.  In comparison to the First Generation